Fairly recently I found out about Ludum Dare, the 48-76 hour game making challenge. Since I had just begun learning the basics of Unity, I decided I wanted to join the thousands of others who compete to get positive votes on their games.
For the December competition, the theme was “one room,” but during the theme voting phase, one of the potential themes was “you are the projectile.” This stuck with me, and I thought it would be cool to make a VR game where you are the projectile. So I made the game, and put it in a single room scene.
I’m pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish in a long weekend. Out of 2390 games submitted, mine ranked #340 for the “fun” category, which puts it in the top 80% of all games in the competition. I’ve also had friends play the game, and the feedback has been pretty positive.
The premise is simple: you are in a room with lava on the floor and several blocks set up on a table. In VR, you use your head to aim a cannonball, and then press the button to launch your ball to knock as many blocks as possible into the lava. Here are some gameplay gifs:
A gameplay video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eR9A1jOVuY
You can play the game on android with a VR headset or in the browser on PC here: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-37/?action=preview&uid=125143
The source code is available on my GitHub: https://github.com/jerwil/VRBlockBuster